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US threatens airstrikes in Balochistan

PKonweb Report

The United States is threatening to launch airstrikes on the Taliban leadership it says is holed up in Quetta. The US has told Pakistan that it may start launching drone attacks against the Taliban leadership in the city of Quetta in a major escalation of its operations in the country, The Telegraph reported today.

Rehman Malik, Pakistan’s interior minister, said the US had so far been unable to provide detailed intelligence to target the Quetta Shura. He said: “We need real-time intelligence. The Americans have never told us any location.”

US State department and intelligence officials delivered the ultimatum to Asif Ali Zardari, last week as he visited the US for the United Nations’ security council sessions and the G20 economic summit.

According to the Guardian, Islamabad government has argued that the Quetta Shura, led by Mullah Mohammad Omar, does not harm Pakistan. It has said that dealing with other militants such as those in the Swat valley was a higher priority, Daily Telegraph reported.

But last week Anne Patterson, America’s ambassador to Islamabad, told the Daily Telegraph that the offensive in Swat was not targeting the insurgents posing the greatest danger to Nato forces in Afghanistan.

The threat from Washington comes amid growing divisions in the US capital about whether to send more troops to Afghanistanor reduce them and start targeting the terrorists.

In a leaked strategic assessment of the war, top US and NATO commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal warned that he needed reinforcements within a year to avert the risk of failure.

Although no figure was given, he is believed to be seeking up to 45,000 troops by the end of this year.

Last week McChrystal denied any rift with the administration, saying “a policy debate is warranted”.

The Biden (US VP) camp argues that attacks by unmanned drones on Pakistan’s Tribal Areas, where many Al Qaeda leaders are thought to be hiding, have been successful.

Sending more troops to Afghanistan has only inflamed tensions.

The Times story quoted “senior Pakistani officials in New York” as saying that the US had asked to extend the drone attacks to areas of Balochistan, including Quetta.

There has been tacit cooperation over the use of drones although publicly Islamabad denounces their use.

Some British officials told the Times that drone attacks on Quetta would be “unthinkable”.

Western intelligence officers have alleged that Taliban sympathisers have helped some of the insurgency’s leaders to move to Karachi, where it would be impossible to strike with Drones due to populace density and political sensitivity.

Observers are of the view the US already have tacit approval from Islamabad on Drone strikes inside Pakistan on ‘actionable intelligence’ based high value targets. Islamabad denies such agreement exists.

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Huge cache of weapons recovered in Karachi

PKonweb Monitor

SEP 15 - Police in Karachi Tuesday recovered a huge cache of weapons, including rocket launchers, and anti-tank mortars, foiling an apparent bid to carry out terror attacks in this port city.

Most US and NATO supplies to Afghanistan pass thorugh this city. The port and shipping minister Babar Ghori said that Karachi’s oil terminal supplies the whole country. “This facility is a storage area, which supplies oil to the entire country and the incident could be a failed attempt to attack the terminal,” he said.

The police recovered 17 hand grenades, nine rocket launchers, five anti-tank mortars, nine Kalashnikovs, and two jackets used in suicide bombings from a drain near Saeedabad police training center Tuesday morning, Online news agency reported. Saeedabad sits on the road to the insurgency-ridden province of Baluchistan.

According to the police, an official noticed the bags in the drain and informed the authorities concerned, which took the bags in possession and recovered the said weapons.

The bomb disposal squad was also summoned to the spot, which neutralized the hand grenades and mortars.

The police believe that the recovered weapons belong to the terrorists, who Monday night tried to attack Kemari oil terminal.

Three men wearing women’s burqa tried to enter the oil terminal in the city but were resisted by a security guard.

They shot dead the guard and fled when a police patrol team engaged them in a firefight, according to police.

Police seized 10 grenades, three Kalashnikovs and women’s purses crammed with bullets and cartridges.

The attackers, according to the police, planned to blow up the Kemari oil terminal, which is being used for fuel supplies to NATO forces fighting in Afghanistan.

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Jaish ‘building a huge base’ in Bahawalpur- Report

SEP 13 - A report filed by McClatchy Newspapers Pakistan-based special correspondent Saaed Shah claims that the banned militant outfit Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM), is setting up a huge new base in the outskirts of Bahawalpur.

“Pakistani authorities have turned a blind eye to the new base, in the far south of Punjab province, even though it is believed to have been built to serve as a radical madrassah - Islamic school - or some kind of training camp”, Saeed Shah reports in his latest dispatch datelined Bahawalpur.

According to Shah’s report, Jaish members, who were behind ‘a spectacular attempt’ to assassinate then-president Pervez Musharraf in 2004 were were also involved in training and commanding the Taliban guerrillas who overran the Swat valley.

The whole story:

Jaish-e-Mohammad (”army of Mohammad”), which is linked to a series of atrocities including an attack on the Indian parliament and the beheading of the American journalist Daniel Pearl, has walled off a 4.5 acre compound just outside the town of Bahawalpur.

Pakistani authorities have turned a blind eye to the new base, in the far south of Punjab province, even though it is believed to have been built to serve as a radical madrassah - Islamic school - or some kind of training camp.

British security sources believe Rauf helped organise the July 7 and 21 attacks in 2005. He was born in England to Pakistani parents and brought up in Birmingham where his father was a baker. It was in Bahawalpur that Rauf was arrested in 2006, before his mysterious and still unexplained escape from custody.

While world attention has been focused on the menace of the Taliban in the north west of Pakistan, the bases of Jaish and a string of other similar jihadist groups in southern Punjab have gone largely unnoticed.

Yet Punjabi extremist groups send thousands of recruits to fight British soldiers in Afghanistan.

Bahawalpur is a backwater, a dusty, dirt-poor town which is swelteringly hot in summer. Its isolation allows it to function quietly as a centre for ideological indoctrination and terrorist planning, a jihadist oasis surrounded by parched fields. Once mentally prepared, promising students are dispatched to camps for training jihadists in warfare, in the north west of the country.

Jaish members were behind a spectacular attempt to assassinate then-president Pervez Musharraf in 2004. They were also involved in training and commanding the Taliban guerrillas who overran Pakistan’s Swat valley.

The terrorist group was reputedly formed with help from Pakistan’s ISI military spy agency as a weapon to be used against their arch-enemy India, and the two organisations are understood to remain close.

Aside from Rauf, two other two other notorious British-Pakistani militants had connections with Jaish: Shehzad Tanweer, one of the 2005 bombers of the London transport system; and Omar Sheikh, who was found guilty in Pakistan of the murder of the American journalist, Daniel Pearl. It emerged last week that British intelligence believes that Rauf is still alive, despite claims that he died in a US missile attack in Pakistan’s tribal area in 2008.

Bahawalpur and the surrounding districts also serve as a safe resting place for jihadists battling in Afghanistan, including, it is believed, for British-born Muslims who go to fight there. They have respite from the threat of US spy planes that patrol the tribal area in the north west, killing militants with deadly missile strikes.

In Bahawalpur alone, there may be as many as 1,000 madrassas, many of which teach a violent version of Islam to children, who are mostly too poor to go to regular school.

Jaish has its headquarters in Bahawalpur and it openly runs a imposing madrassah in the centre of town, called Usman-o-Ali, where it teaches its extremist interpretation of Islam to hundreds of children every year.

The group was banned by Pakistan back in 2002 and designated by the US as a “foreign terrorist organisation”. The Sunday Telegraph was prevented from entering the madrassah, which also has a mosque that should be open to everyone.

Jaish’s new site, about 5km (3 miles) out of Bahawalpur at Chowk Azam, on the main road to Karachi, is much larger, with evidence that it could contain underground bunkers or tunnels. Surrounded by a high brick and mud wall, little can be seen from the road.

However, The Sunday Telegraph discovered that it has a fully-tiled swimming pool, stabling for over a dozen horses, an ornamental fountain and even swings and a slide for children – all belying claims by the group and Pakistani officials that the facility is simply a small farm to keep cattle. There were signs of construction activity.

A man at the site, who gave his name as Abdul Jabbar, who wore a visible ammunition vest under his shirt, would not allow The Sunday Telegraph to enter, and suggested it was time for the newspaper to leave.

“We’re not hiding anything. Nothing happens here. We have just kept some cattle for our milk,” said Mr Jabbar, who sported the long hair that is typical for Pakistani and Afghan Taliban.

A man on a motorbike followed as The Sunday Telegraph drove away.

The new facility is known to the regional administration and, with a hefty army cantonment in Bahawalpur, the military would also be aware.

It has deeply worried some Pakistani security personnel. One described it as a “second centre of terrorism”, to complement the existing Jaish madrassah in the middle of town.

The officer, who requested anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue, said that Jaish should never have been allowed to buy the land.

He said they initially acquired 4.5 acres, then they forced the adjacent landowner to sell them another 2 acres. “It’s big enough for training purposes,” he said.

On the inside walls, there are painted jihadist inscriptions, including a warning to “Hindus and Jews”, with a picture of Delhi’s historic Red Fort, suggesting they will conquer the city.

Bahawalpur was where Rashid Rauf fled in 2002, after being implicated in the murder of his uncle in the UK. His family friend Ghulam Mustafa, a radical imam, ran a madrassah, the Dar-ul-Uloom Medina.

He married Mr Mustafa’s daughter, and his wife and children are still believed to live there.

No-one was willing to talk about Rauf in Bahawalpur.

Attaur Rehman, the deputy head of the Dar-ul-Uloom Medina madrassah, which is run out of an unmarked building in a back street and is closely associated with Jaish, said: “We don’t say anything about this, I won’t talk to you. I’m fed up with you media people.”

Publicly, Pakistani officials insisted that the new compound is innocuous and even that there is no extremist threat in Bahawalpur.

Mushtaq Sukhera, the Regional Police Officer for Bahawalpur, the most senior police officer for the area, admitted that the Usman-o-Ali madrassah in the middle of Bahawalpur “belongs to “Jaish” . He said that Jaish also owned the facility out of town. “But there’s nothing over there except a few cows and horses,” he said.

“No militancy, no military training is being imparted to students (at Usman-o-Ali),” said Mr Sukhera. “There is no problem with militancy (in south Punjab), there’s no problem with Talibanisation. It’s just media hype.” Others tell a different story. Somewhere between 3,000 and 8,000 men from southern Punjab are currently fighting jihad in Afghanistan or Pakistan’s north western tribal area, according to independent estimates, said Ayesha Siddiqa, an analyst who has studied the area.

They are often known as the “Punjabi Taliban”, whereas the main Taliban forces are ethnic Pashtuns, the group that straddles north west Pakistan and Afghanistan.

“These guys [in Bahawalpur] aren’t connected with a war, they don’t have any ethnic affiliation with Afghanistan,” said Dr Siddiqa. “These guys are purely ideologically motivated. That makes it much more difficult to crack them during investigation or to break their will to fight.”

Story link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/pakistan/6180118/Al-Qaeda-allies-build-huge-Pakistan-base.html

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Did army trick the Taliban spokesman to surrender?

PKonweb Monitor

SEP 12 - Did the army nab the Taliban spokesman and four of his accomplices by conning them into peace talks?  The elusive Taliban commander Maulana Fazlullah claims that is so the case in his tape recorded message sent to the media.

The purported tape has surfaced amidst reports Tehreek-e-Taliban Swat chief Mullah Fazlullah has decided to surrender, a private TV channel quoted its sources as saying on Saturday. According to the channel, he had been wounded and was in hiding in a cave. The law enforcement agencies had cordoned off the area of his hideout, the channel added. Security forces had been told to complete the operation in Swat before Eid, the channel concluded.

Earlier reports said Fazlullah was either dead or too wounded to be effective any more. In fact, several weeks back security czar Rehman Malik had claimed he was “decommissioned - an eumiphism for death.

According to Khaleej Times report filed by its Islamabad based correspondent Afzal Khan, the army has rejected Taliban allegation that it tricked Taleban’s most wanted spokesman Muslim Khan and his four other colleagues on pretext of peace negotiations.

“There could be no talks with terrorists,” army spokesman Maj-Gen. Athar Abbas said while referring to the statement by acting spokesman of the Taleban Salman. “Those wanting to surrender should lay down arms before security forces or law-enforcement agencies,” he said.

Taleban’s acting spokesman Salman released to the media a taperecording purported to be that of Swat’s Taleban chief Maulana Fazlullah in which he accused the Pakistan army of arresting his spokesman Muslim Khan and four members of Shura (advisory council) of the Taleban after inviting them for peace negotiations.

In the message Fazlullah conceded that his organisation had been weakened as a result of the army operation but vowed to continue fighting for the cause of enforcement of Islamic Shariah (code) in the region and elsewhere.

“The Taleban movement is presently in a state of illness. When you are ill, your activities are curtailed. That is what has happened to Taleban organisation, but it would bounce back,” Fazlullah said. In his recorded message, Fazlullah spoke hurriedly in Pashto. At times, it was difficult to understand his words. It wasn’t easy to tell that the voice indeed was of Fazlullah even though it largely sounded familiar.

Fazlullah mentioned the Tehrik-e-Taleban Pakistan (TTP) founder Baitullah Mehsud in his message and stressed that all Pakistani Taleban wished to die like him. “Like Baitullah Mehsud, all Taleban fighters want to embrace martyrdom. Getting arrested while fighting for a cause is no big deal for the Taleban,” he maintained. He said the Taleban in Swat and Malakand would continue their struggle for the enforcement of real Shariah and offer every sacrifice to achieve this goal.

According to Fazlullah, the Taleban still possessed ‘fidayee’ (suidie bombers) power and those in doubt should ask Russia, the US and Nato about the Taleban prowess.

The whereabouts of Fazlullah remain unknown. The army has been claiming that he was wounded in an earlier military action. There have also been reports that he was under siege in a mountainous area in Swat.

Fazlullah said he had lost confidence in the Pakistan Army after it allegedly invited his group for talks and arrested the five negotiators. He said a need may arise again for the government and the military to talk to the Taleban, but the Swat Taleban had decided never to hold any negotiations with the rulers.

Link to the KT story: http://www.khaleejtimes.com/displayarticle.asp?xfile=data/international/2009/September/international_September615.xml&section=international&col=

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Gen (R) Musharraf speaks on 9/11: Sawal Yeh Hai

SEP 11 - Gen (R) Pervez Musharraf gives 45-minute live interview to Dr Danish on Sawal Yeh Hai.

When asked who did 9/11, he said it was Al Qaeda certainly. “We interrogated them when we caught some of them. Conspiracy theories are wrong and baseless”, he added.

Musharraf said it was a 100 percent correct decision to take a U-turn on Pakistan’s Afghan policy after September 2001. The decision was in the national interest of Pakistan itself and not just for others. If we did not decide then to do so we would have faced grave danger to our country and to our national interests. Even now we face grave dangers, he added.

“On joining war on terror, we also gained economically, but the decision was in national interest and not an economic or transactional matter”, Musharraf added.

“We were frontline state during 1979 -1989and (10 years) and now again we are frontline state since 2001 (8 years todate), he commented.

America and the West should keep this in mind including anti-US feelings in Pakistan that inspite of being an ally during Afghan war as well as now there is anti-American feelings among the Pakistanis because of their transactional attitude, he alluded to.

Al Qaeda men are in the mountains and we should not deny it. We should work to get rid of them for our own stability, he added.

“It is our ‘defensive compulsion’ to own and maintain nuclear deterrance”, he said. “We still have threat from our eastern border, therefore we cannot compromise it”, he added.

Musharraf’s perception that we still have enemy on our eastern border undermines US policy statements for the region that Pakistan should stop worrying about India being an enemy and consider ‘existential threats’ it is facing on its western border.

Musharraf said back-stabbing is going on Pakistan from Afghanistan and it should stop. both India and Afghanistan are active in this matter, he said in so many words without specifically naming the both.

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The Taliban’s New Enemy- Sultankhel Lashkar

PKonweb Monitor

500 mumbers of the Lashkar of Sultankhel are taking on the Taliban in the Lower Dir and Swat Valley.

According to Reza Sayah of CNN who visited the lashkar camps with an army major Hasnain, these vigilante-styled volunteer-based private army called ‘lashkar’ have established their presence in lower Dir and Swat valley, manning vantage points to thwart any attempts by the Taliban to revisit the cleared region.


Armed with weapons (Russian made heavy machine guns and weapons caches from the fleeing Talibans) and supported by the army, security forces, these lashkars are providing 24/7 vigil.

They have been supportive, successful in several encounters and they are tough - strong, says Major Hasnain Shah to Sayah.

The US and its allies have used such strategy (volunteer army) successfully in Iraq. While it seems ot be working in the northern lawless region of Pakistan, news on the other side of the Pak-Affhan border is not that encouraging. The belt adjoining these areas consist of Taliban strongholds in Afghanistan.

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The capital rumor mill - by Ayesha Siddiqua

By Ayesha Siddiqua

The capital is abuzz with rumors of a minus-one formula. Some are suggesting that there is a minus-three formula. Such destabilizing stories were confined to the grapevine until the information minister, followed by the Sindh chief minister, spoke about them.

One must never undermine the power of the rumor mill in the capital. It works efficiently, especially when there is a weak political government, and causes nervousness.

Perhaps, the intention is to make the government tense. This would result in further weakening it and pave the way for its possible collapse. So why does the rumor mill work and who are the forces that are part of it?

The minus-one formula refers to the topmost leadership of the present government and the minus-three, according to the grapevine, pertains to the topmost leadership plus the top leadership from the primary opposition party. Some even suggest that the minus-three formula refers to the top man in government and his two close cronies. The bottom-line is that both formulas are about the ouster of people that are despised by alternative power centers.

It is apparent that a powerful establishment will not allow a political dispensation to settle down comfortably especially if it is suspected of expanding its writ at an extremely fast pace without any regard for the core interests of the establishment. Historically, the corruption and inefficiency of the government comes in handy in generating propaganda that can weaken it and lead to its ouster.

The misfortune of the present government is its inefficiency which has hurt people more than its alleged corruption. In fact, corruption in a developing country becomes problematic when it is accompanied by inefficiency. For instance, in the past two decades one has rarely come across an example of an agri-based economy running out of fertilizer. Poor farmers, who consequently had to purchase the commodity from the black market, can hardly think in positive terms about the government’s capacity to deliver.

However, it is far more interesting to see how different segments of state and society seem to be conspiring to restructure the government. At this juncture, we can see two governments in Pakistan; one headed by the president, the other by the prime minister. While the president appears to have a poor perception of the people’s needs and aspirations, a shortcoming that is a result of him being confined to the presidential palace, he is also not conscious of appreciating the line between the areas that belong to the establishment and issues that he could deal with.

There are two issues worth mentioning. First, all previous governments of the 1990s fell because they were not careful when it came to assessing their limits. Civilian rulers often come under the mis-perception that they have more power than the establishment. Second, this is not something peculiar to Pakistan. A glance at numerous Latin and Central American states shows that the empowerment of democratic institutions and the strengthening of civilian rule in those countries were obtained through years of careful negotiation with the establishment. The problem in Pakistan is that there is never a plan or a method to do so.

Clearly, national security is an area that represents the military’s corporate interests (the term must not be confused with commercial interest though these too are now part of the military’s larger corporate interests). Any leader seen as intruding in such affairs or as changing the general drift of policy in matters critical to the military’s interest is considered a huge challenge.

Unfortunately, the present government at the topmost level has depended excessively on external help at the cost of not creating institutional support to negotiate power with the military. The president’s mis-perception of being more knowledgeable and experienced than others in running affairs of the state will prove costly. His attitude has already resulted in a necessary rearrangement at the top level which compromises his control.

So, if members of the government feel that there is some vicious minus-one formula in place, this is not their wild imagination. It is very difficult to run after hard evidence because most of the functioning and management in politically unstable systems is done through word of mouth rather than employing institutional mechanisms. In fact, if such societies begin to have institutions they would not be weak any more.

This is not to suggest that the alternative powers are close to making the desired changes in the government. A drastic change might be envisioned but is difficult due to the lack of clarity regarding the PPP’s future. The issue with dynastic politics is that changing the party leadership takes a long time.

The history of the Muslim League is a case in point. Since being taken over by the establishment the party underwent many drastic changes and splits. However, time is a critical factor if the same is to happen to the PPP. There is none in the top leadership of the party who has the capacity to become its alternative guardian. The party might be hurting but is not about to break.

Under the circumstances, the grapevine will be used effectively along with some elements in the media that are acting as the establishment’s fifth column to keep the top leadership on its toes. For skeptics, this sector has become a critical part of the discourse between different power centers due to the absence of any institutional mechanism for a dialogue.

Meanwhile, the assault on this government is different from the one of the 1990s because the top leader appears to be no easy prey and is intent on fighting. If he doesn’t realise the necessity of creating institutions and improving his efficiency at talking and delivering, the government and resultantly the state will become highly unstable.

The issue of power politics is that power centers which have a stronger institutional base are extremely rigid and difficult to fight back. Moreover, the onus of not destabilizing the government and state falls on the civilian regime, the political parties and the establishment. None can be absolved from leading the state towards another crisis.

(The writer is an independent strategic and political analyst. [email protected])

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UK official’s efforts to make PPP-PML(N) work together

Aug 12 episode of BOLTA PAKISTAN: Visit of former UK ambassador to Pakistan and key interlocutor of Musharraf-Zardari NRO deal Mark Loyal Grant and his meeting with President Zardari and Sharif brothers; PPP spokesman Farhatullah Babar denies any discussion on Musharraf’s trial and future.

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Challenges faced by the state of Pakistan

AUG 12 episode of LIVE WITH TALAT: Challenges faced by the state of Pakistan. Part 2 of discussion started on Aug 11 on the goals, challenges faced by the government led by PPP and: Internal security, Lawlessness.

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FIR filed against Musharraf: Will govt ask UK to extradite him?

AUG 12 episode of KAL TAK on Express News with Javed Choudhry:

Dr. Sher Afgan Khan Niazi (PML-Q), Syed Hamid Saeed Kazmi (PPP) and Capt. (R) Muhammad Safdar (PML-N) discuss issues with Javed Choudhry. Issues: NRO and Musharraf’s fate after filing of FIR for criminal case against him in Islamabad for detaining superior judges in their houses in Islamabad after Nov 3, 2007 emergency.

Will the govt ask Interpol to extradite Musharraf to Pakistan once he is declared offender in the criminal case?

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Drones, NRO, Balochistan, and NYT report on Pak nukes

AUG 12 episode of Islamabad Tonight with Nadeem Malik: Dr. Attiya Inayatullah (Activist), Ghulam Farid (PPP), Iqbal Zafar Jhagra (Secy Gen PML-N) discuss issues with Nadeem Malik. Issues: Drone attacks, 4 Nationalist and separatist groups attempt to observe Balochistan’s independence on Aug 11 and their crackdown by the govt and authorities, NRO may be heard by a SC full bench; NYT’s report on three reported incidents of Jihadis attacks on our nuclear installations.

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PML-N to unveil Musharraf treason strategy soon

AUG 11 BOLTA PAKISTAN: Mushtaq Minhas and Nusrat Javed present fresh episode of their talk show and discuss NRO and Musharraf treason with Ch. Nisar Ali Khan (PML-N), Maulana Fazal ul Rehman (JUI-F), Sen Zahid Khan (ANP).

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What’s parliament doing about Musharraf ‘treason’

AUG 11 ISLAMABAD TONIGHT: Ejaz ul Haq (PML-Q), Syed Sumsam Ali (PPP)and Hanif Abbasi (PMl-N) discuss FIR filed against Gen (R) Musharraf in Islamabad for detaining Superior Judges after imposing Nov 3, 2007 emergency; Parliament’s role in Musharraf for treason under Article 6 of the constitution.

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Is Pakistan testing ground for Drone technology?

AUG 11 KAL TAK: Maulana Gul Naseeb Khan (JUI), Fouzia Wahab ( Secy Info PPP), Sen Prof. Ibrahim Khan (Jamaat Islami) discuss with Javed Choudhry US Drone attacks, Drone technology, Mehsud’s killing

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Analyzing PPP govt’s weaknesses and challenges

AUG 11 LIVE WITH TALAT: Crisis of capacity of present government, style and form of their governance, challenges being faced now and Pakistan’s destiny

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PML(N)’s role of ‘friendly opposition’

AUG 10 Live with Talat on AAJ TV: Ghulam Sawar Khan (PML-Q), Sardar Ayaz Sadiq (PML-N), Fouzia Wahab (PPPP) participate in discussion on role of PML-N as friendly opposition to PPP government

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Political parties’ hot potato: Musharraf’s trial

Aug 10 episode of Kal Tak with Javed Choudhry on Express News: Participants: Sardar Nabil Gabol (PPPP), Hanif Abbasi (PML-N) and Haidar Abbas Rizvi (MQM)

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How similar is Rehman Dakait’s killing with Murtaza Bhutto’s killing

Similarity between targeted killing by police of Rehman Dakait and Mir Murtaza Bhutto. Participants: Naheed Khan (PPP) and Rahim ullah Yousaf Zai (The News Editor of NWFP) in fresh episode of Meray Mutabiq with Dr. Shahid Masood.

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Media trial or real trial of Gen (R) Pervez Musharraf

AUG 10 episode of Islamabad Tonight: Wasim Akhtar (MQM), Sheikh Waqas Akram (PML-Q), Mehreen Anwar Raja (PPP), Iqbal Ahmed Khan (Former Amb. and Columnist) discuss with Nadeem Malik.

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‘CIA threats to Pakistan’ Part 7

7th episode of “Brass Tacks by Zaid Hamid”: Why America’s Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC) is so active in Balochistan, Fata, Peshawar. Other ominous signs of covert US activities inside Pakistan. Seventh in a series of similar talkshows by Hamid. Interesting arguments, analyses and observations, whether you agree with them or not, but it is a must see!

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Mehsud death ‘unconfirmed’: Dr Shahid Masood & Hamid Mir

Aug 9 episode of Meray Mutabiq on Geo: No confirmation yet on Mehsud death: Dr Shahid Masood & Hamid Mir. Participants: Hamid Mir (Capital Talk), Haroon Rashid (Columnist), Roedad Khan (Former Bureaucrat)

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Citibank, Zardari and his $60M in Swiss Bank

Aug 8 Meray Mutabiq: Money Laundering; Why and how Zardari’s $60M frozen in Swiss bank was released and its status now vis-a-vis NRO under review. Guests: Ahmir Bilal Sufi (Attorney of Intl Law), Senator Rukhsana Zuberi (PPP).

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Choraha with Hasan Nisar: Aug 8

Hasan Nisar conducts Aug 8 episode of Choraha and discuss Mehsud killing and Swat Ops with Yasir, Rana Sana Ullah, Rana M. Idrees, Asma Jehangir and Jan Malik.

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Dunya Today with Moeed Pirzada: Aug 8

Moeed Pirzada bring fresh episode of Dunya TV and discuss with Sen Pervaiz Rasheed (PML-N), Mehreen Anwar Raja (PPP), Sheikh Waqas Akram (PML-Q), Senator Ishaq Dar (PML-N), Qazi Hussain Ahmed (JI)

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