PKonweb Monitor
A young Pakistani boy was raped and killed in the bathroom of a mosque in Dubai on Friday. The man who allegedly raped and murdered the six-year-old boy has been arrested. Dubai Police said they received information that a Pakistani child was found dead in the bathroom of a mosque located in Al Qusais on Friday.
When the police reached the mosque, a man told them that he had come to the mosque for Zuhr prayers and that when he went to the bathroom to prepare for it, he saw traces of blood on the floor after which he saw the child behind the door. The boy’s pants had been removed.
The police, upon entering the bathroom, noticed that the child had been raped. They took the body to the General Department of Forensic Medicine and launched an investigation. Later, a Bahraini national was arrested on the suspicion of committing the crime.
He confessed to the crime during interrogation. He said he consumed alcohol late into the night on Thursday and went to the mosque to perform Eid prayers on Friday and returned home. He continued drinking alcohol and later went out to visit his friend to celebrate the festival.
Around 9.30am, he left his friend’s house and went to the mosque. He saw three children on the street, who asked him for Eid gifts.
The man told the police that he saw a boy, whose age he guessed to be around nine. He told the boy that he had no money on him but he would give money if the latter followed him.
He then took the boy to the bathroom in the mosque, locked the door and raped him during which he covered the boy’s nose and mouth with his hands to prevent him from screaming.
He later noticed that the child had stopped moving, so he left him there and fled the scene. He returned home and had a shower.
The suspect told the police that he did not know the boy and that day was the first time he had seen him. He also confessed that it was not the first time he had had forcible sex with males. (News sourced from Khaleej Times)
My condolences go out to the boys family a terrible crime absolutley shocking!!!!.
There seems to be alot of comments made by ignorant disrespectful individuals sick in the head.
Religion did not make this individual do this act of crime however these pathetic people are jumping on the oppourtunity to justify their anti muslim sentiment.
Im glad this man was caught hope he hangs!!!!!
ProudInfide and JohnB, why u bring Islam in this ? all Europe and West is totally GAY. u even do incests, so shut your mouth….
I agree rape and killing is an absolute wrong thing and is not acceptable in any religion, however it happens all over the world and in all religions, so does that mean we also bin the bible and all other holy books for all religions?????
You can’t reflect a wrong doing of one Muslim person on the rest of the Muslim world and the religion Islam…
There are many cases reported in the news of raping and killings in the West and in Asia committed by Christians, Hindu’s, Jews etc…so does that mean we should be criticizing all these religions also?? Absolutely not… these crimes are done by people who have deviated from their religion and are not afraid of their Lord/God or whom do not follow any religion at all.
You can criticize the person who committed the crime all you want but not the religion he follows as a whole.
As for this case…the suspect should be hanged for the crime he had committed.
My sympathy’s goes out to the family of the young boy… May his soul rest in Peace.
Muslims are not afraid to commit any sin because they can always go to Haj and come back with a clean slate.
Yet again we see the hypocrisy of Mohammedanism… In Islamic countries, homosexual sex is rife, due to sex segregation…doh!
Boys are routinely sodomised in madrassas etc, and yet, they call for death penalty for homosexuality? haha Then most muslim males should be executed, which would not be a bad thing, since it would lead to the decline of numbers of muslims! Oh and I forgot, in Jannhat, Brothel In The Sky, 72 virgins are not enough…they need yound fresh boys like pearls as well!!!
Dirty Muslims and their corrupted minds. Islam teaches that it’s okay to thigh with an infant, so it’s no surprise that they do this to a 6 year old boy. Qu’ran and Hadtith belong in the garbage bin of history.
Just another pious Muslim.
“He also confessed that it was not the first time he had had forcible sex with males.”
I’m also fairly sure it was the first rape that the little boy had experienced. I don’t think this rapist/killer should be executed. Instead, he should be castrated. . . then dropped off in rural Alabama wearing a burka.
This is pretty common stuff in muslim countries. Doesn’t surprise me. Still, if the guy is really guilty (you never know if his confession was from torture, also very common in muslim countries) he should be killed.
izlam is as izlam does…..allah!