PKonweb Monitor
In about 10 days, the United States government will be hosting the first-ever Pakistani American diaspora community effort to create a nonprofit known as the American Pakistan Foundation.
The Secretary of State Hillary Clinton announced the event while addressing a gathering in New York called "Business Executives for National Security Gala" on Tuesday.
The idea, as Ms Clinton explained to the business executives’ gatherings, was to collaborate on people-to-people exchanges, cultural diplomacy, and other advocacy to build a stronger partnership between USA and the people of Pakistan.
The NGO - aimed at the Pakistani-American diaspora, will complement US efforts to assist Pakistan government and civil societies and their efforts in post-war-on-terror nation-building.
The idea of engaging the Pak-American diaspora emanates from the Kerry-Lugar Bill which stipulates such an effort.
Ms Clinton also said the US has made a commitment to provide more assistance to Pakistan that is going to be accountable and transparent, but which they hope sends a message to the people of Pakistan that there is a better future, and which holds the Government of Pakistan to a different standard than the one that it has met in the past.
Clinton said that the United States could ignore Pakistan only at its own peril. ‘It is also in Pakistan where, after all, they (Al Qaida terrorists) have found safe haven and where we have a nuclear-armed country facing increasing challenges to its writ of authority,’ said the top US diplomat while explaining why Washington intended to stay committed to Islamabad.
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A
lease Thanks for Invitation ,Please I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,= want to submit my self Nomination for CIVICUS Board of directors , as ,= Thinker from India !! =A Terrorist expert from India= Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , Alo
Re:Dear Anabel Cruz
Ruhel Chisty Sat, Dec 5, 2009 at 2:32 PM
To: Sandra Pires
Cc: [email protected]
Dear Anabel Cruz ([email protected]) (Chair CIVICUS Nominations committee ) /Dear Sandra Pires ([email protected])
CIVICUS world alliance for citizen Participation
P.O Box 933,2135, Johannesburg South Africa , http://www.civicus.org
Please Thanks for Invitation , =Call for Nominations CIVICUS Board of directors
Please I =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,= want to submit my self Nomination for CIVICUS Board of directors , as ,= Thinker from India !! =A Terrorist expert from India= Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , Alone Indian Minority =Christen terrorist expert from India !!!???
Thanks Yours Truly Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Date 05-12-2009 Udaipur Raj India 313001 ,Cell 00919636919708
Please submit one form per nomination. Nominations are due by midnight GMT, Friday, 29th of January 2010. Please place an “X” in
the appropriate boxes.
A: Nominees Basic Contact Information
Name of Nominee : Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A (=(Self Nomination ) By Invitation ) (Total 96 Pages ! )
Title : Mr.
Organization : NGO =Independent Scientist
Telephone/Fax : Cell =Mobile : 00919636919708 /Fax : 00912942411992 ( Attn Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A )
Email Address : [email protected],[email protected],[email protected]
B Commitment to Serve if Elected
1 If this is a self-nomination (not requiring a separate letter of intent), do you understand and
agree to commit yourself to serving CIVICUS (as specified in item 2 below?)
Yes No = Yes =(Self Nomination ) By Invitation .( (Total 96 Pages ! Please !)
2 Has the nominee been contacted about the necessity of submitting a letter
of intent by Friday, 29th January 2010 Yes No
The letter should indicate that: he/she accepts the nomination; will become a member of CIVICUS by 30th of April 2010 if not presently one;
understands the criteria for selection, and is willing to commit at least two weeks of work per year to reviewing and commenting on policy
papers, attending Board meetings, serving on at least one committee, representing CIVICUS from time to time, and promoting membership,
and is committed to CIVICUS’ mission, vision, values and programmes. (CIVICUS hopes that nominees who are elected will be able to attend
the first meeting of the new Board in Montreal, Canada, immediately following the World Assembly to take place on 20 – 23 August 2010).
C Demographic Information about the Nominee
Gender Male
Age =43 Years =30-60
Current Member of CIVICUS Yes No = May be yes !!??
D Other information about the nominee relevant to the criteria for selection (institutional and individual credibility at national, regional and/or international levels in the civil society movement, experience at managerial levels and/or as a member of boards of directors.
Note : I want to prove that How the Hindu terrorists those are doing Christen genocide =Orissa 2008 ,Karnataka 2008 ,Chtiisgarh 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 are enjoying India as chief Ministers =RE ELECTED chief ministers=Orrisa ,Gujarat ,Karnataka ,++ By Indian voters =Hindus !! ,Home ministers=LK Advanii =Power ,money , Having India police as Human Slave =IB,RAW ,MI are Pet Human , up to animal level !! =Hindu nation Which is ruling by Dr Manmohan Singh [email protected] , while the Indian Minorities person like me = who proved record of anti terror =Against, Al Quida ,Taliban ,Hindu terrorist are suffering from All Good of earth !! as we people birth in Hindu nation =India !!??
Thinker from India !! = Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , Terrorist expert from India !!!???
Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. elsevier.com) from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry =www.rsc.org/arf08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .,Pl I am one of the reviewer in African Journal of Psychology and Counseling
http://www.academicjournals.org/jpc AND Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology (www.academicjournals.org/JPHE) ) and from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! ,
(1) New Dimension Against Terrorism: A New Sensor (Ruhel-Sensor) Three Different Sensor’s Coupling CCD (CMOS) Sensor and Rodamass Sensor (Rode of Eye) - Coupled Olfactory Sensor-Olfactory-Enzymes Sensors Chisty R =.www.iupac.org =www.iupac2003.org P,21 ( AE-1.P033),: IUPAC - CSC 2003 Scientific Program TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 , AE - Analytical/Environment – Poster Session Chair: TBA , RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of Chemistry Aug 10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
NOMINATIONs : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, http://remotesensing.usgs.gov/pecora.html ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl , I got Nominated for one of Public Affairs Asia awards 2009 ,And Nominated for one of its Jury also , =wwwpublicaffairsasia.com/goldstandard , Got nomination emails from respected =Craig Hoy [email protected] (Director Public Affairs Asia) ,And Mark O’Brien ([email protected]) Vice President (Asia) Public Affairs Asia
(3) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for “A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?, http://www.rolexawards.com
(4) Pl, I nominated for “International WHO’S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. = http://internationalwhoswho.com/
(5) Pl I got nominate for “for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 “, http://www.innovationsaward.harvard.edu ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(6) ) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = http://www.unhabitat.org , Please it’s Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices . http://www.bestpractices.org,
Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? while RAW ,IB ,MI is working like pet dogs for LK Advanni , Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time , then Karnataka chief Minster =Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief Minster 2007-2008 Christen genocide ,these all are again reelected chief minister by Hindus !! and RAW,IB,MI ,CIDs ,police of India are working like pet dogs for these all people !! those did support in Christen ,Muslim genocide from 2008 to 2002 !!?? as these all are Hindu ,Dr Manmohan Singh is Hindu !! so prime minister of india support to Hindus up to this level !!?? while Mumbai 1989-1993 ,Hindu Muslims riots ,done by Hindu ,victims are still suffering from Justice as they maximum are india minor
Note : all bomb blasts happened in india from 1990 to 2009 =Till now , =terrorist activities , done by Hindu terrorists groups =MH Brahminists these people killed many innocent Human ,maximum Indian Muslims =40% to 60% every case !!??and Dr Manmohan Police try to put others nation ,others religion names !!?? ), not there own religion =Hindu ,not there own people =Hindu !!?? =Indian =Hindu Indian !!??
E Please explain why you believe you or your nominee is highly qualified to serve as a director, in terms of CIVICUS’ needs for board members
who have national, regional or international credibility within civil society, are experienced managers and/or board members and are committed
to CIVICUS’ mission, values and programmes .
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , Terrorist expert from India !!!??? = Thinker from India !! =,Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. elsevier.com) from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry =www.rsc.org/arf08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .,Pl I am one of the reviewer in International Journal of Psychology and Counseling ,http://www.academicjournals.org/Ijpc AND Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology (www.academicjournals.org/JPHE) ) and from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , Pl ,I invented Ruhel sensor , Nobel - Ruhel -Far-Brain -Sensor, Ruhel word converter attach in scanner, Handy Ruhel -Micro -GC/MS, Ruhel New to anti -chemical terror ,Pl I have 75% in Physics 1989 – BSc, 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =www.iupac.org, http://www.iupac2003.org ,National research council Canada = http://www.nrc.ca ,Canadian society for chemistry =CSC ,SAM-2006 , http://www.dhs.gov , Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, http://remotesensing.usgs.gov/pecora.html ,Pl Its NASA Award , ,Pl I am Indian minority +OBCs=Other backward class - scientist !
[ Please list of Publications ] :- New Dimension Against Terrorism: A New Sensor (Ruhel-Sensor) Three Different Sensor’s Coupling CCD (CMOS) Sensor and Rodamass Sensor (Rode of Eye) - Coupled Olfactory Sensor-Olfactory-Enzymes Sensors Chisty R =.www.iupac.org =www.iupac2003.org P,21 ( AE-1.P033),: IUPAC - CSC 2003 Scientific Program TUESDAY, AUGUST 12 , AE - Analytical/Environment – Poster Session Chair: TBA , RChisty ,39Th IUPAC Congress and 86th conference of the Canadian society of Chemistry Aug 10-15 ,2003 Ottawa ,Ontario ,Canada = Against Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
* Three =3 Years (Petrochemical industries + Refinery products analysis ) experience as Chemist / Lab specialist (www.sabic.com+ http://www.mitsubishicorp.com ,www.sumitomo-chem.co.jp) ,One Year with SABIC=www.sabic.com ,Two years with http://www.mitsubishicorp.com, http://www.sumitomo-chem.co.jp ,Japan project ,
* Total 10 years Chemical Industrial experience as Chemist / Lab specialist with Analytical technique ,= GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography ,thin layer chromatography ,Some GC-MS
(1) One year with SABIC =www.sabic.com ,Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, SABIC =www.sabic.com , GC=Gas Chromatography ,wet chemistry , UV/VIS =Colorimetric analysis +Other analysis ,On line analyzers –(Inside - technology ) ,for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate ,
(2) Note : Pl ,I am facing continuous -forced unemployed ness+ high –torture, discrimination +forced virgin =no sex !! ,from Jan 2009 to Dec 2009= 12 months, by Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO Feb. 2003 to till 22 Jan 2008 ! =continuous 5 years in India and , I was kept forced unemployed ,from 1999 to 2001 = continuous 3 =three years forced unemployed ,=Total =9 =Nine Years forced unemployed ,torture ,discrimination , by Kidnapped My emails ,Mail ,Cell ,Mobile ,telephones ,Laptop !! this all b’se I am minority ,I am NOT Hindu. And Not Sikh =Hindu Minority !!?? by Use of satellite technology ,internet ,TV Voice mode by Hindu terrorist =RAW,IB,MI ,CID Rajputana ,PMO=Prime minister office New Delhi !!?? please even I have ~10 years vast experience as analytical chemist =chemistry , pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , pl I have 75% in physics 1989 – BSc , 2 year +70% overall physics BSc, I have four publications anti terror ,anti explosive at IUPAC =WWW.IUPAC.ORG, http://WWW.IUPAC2003.ORG ,PITTCON ,DHS , http://WWW.RSC.ORG/ARF08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008 =Total 16 international level publication, One year with SABIC =www.sabic.com , Petrochemical company Lab-Specialist –Chemical analysis, for All Plants of Saudi Kayan =(1) Phenolic (2) Amines (3) Poly Olefines (4) Poly Propylene (5) Poly Carbonate, Two years with Sumitomo -company =www.sumitomo-chem.co.jp ,Japan project , SABIC mention in global top 5 Petrochemical companies , GC(-FID,ECD,PID),IR,UV/VIS ,IR(418.1),FTIR, Purge and trap (FID /PID) ,Column Chromatography, LIMS excel sheets, SOP’s =ISO Methods, TLV/SLV data sheets, MSDS, Made two presentations, JQP =Test questions ,Work for international laboratory proficiency testing certificate even Indian was not given me UN jobs it self ?? pl my UN JOBS , IDS=rchisty90 , ,even I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class scientist. , Indian - HR agents have order , do not sent Resume of Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A to ME = Gulf petrochemical companies like SABIC , QAFCO, Abu Dhabi Polymers Co Ltd =Borouge, GPIC=Gulf petrochemical industries Co, Qatar Gas += Do not allowing me to sent my Resume at SABIC , Official web , other petrochemical companies official webs !!, order from RAW,IB,MI PMO=Hindu Terrorists !!?? while USA =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !!
while Indian government providing Z-Security =Commando ,to Hindu terror ,people =Like Ashok Singhal , Praveen Togadia, LK Advani , RamVellas Vadantii these all are from VHP =Vishav Hindu Parisad ,and for each of these Hindu terror ,Indian government is consuming 1.2 Million $ per annum !!?? these all have proven record of provoke to murder ,kill ,riots , genocide ,gang rape with Nuns !!?? Its all due to , PMO==Prime minister Office New Delhi ,Dr Manmohan Singh is having , schizophrenic –(Local and foreign) policies for me also + Assam ,Kashmir , from past 30 years ,and Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Life from past 1991 to till now 2009 31st July 2009 !! That why Many innocent killed in Assam ,Kashmir , by Hindu army =MI,IB,RAW !! As these living people are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen And Indian Muslims !!
This PMO = Prime minister Office New Delhi And CMO given , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen , 89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI,IB,RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI ., 60 ,000 murder of Human in Kashmir , 50 ,000 murder of human in Assam in past 30 years by Hindu Army !! ??
12 lacks forced unemployed christen in Assam 20 lacks forced unemployed Muslims in Kashmir 30 lacks Muslims business losses in Kashmir ,15 lacks christens business losses in Assam, past 30 years !!?? Victims still suffering from Justice Orissa 2008 Christen Genocide ,Looting ,rape gang rape ,Live burn , Karnataka 2008 Christen genocide , Chatisgarh 2007-2008 Christen genocide .Gujarat 2002 Genocide after 1 years to 7 years pass out !!!?? while RAW ,IB ,MI is working like pet dogs for LK Advanni , Mr. Narandra Modi 2002 Gujarat genocide chief Minster that time ,Naveen patnayak , 2008 Orissa Christen genocide –Chief Minster that time , then Karnataka chief Minster =Karnataka 2008 christen genocide , Chattisgarg chief Minster 2007-2008 Christen genocide ,these all are again reelected chief minister by Hindus !! and RAW,IB,MI ,CIDs ,police of India are working like pet dogs for these all people !! those did support in Christen ,Muslim genocide from 2008 to 2002 !!?? as these all are Hindu ,Dr Manmohan Singh is Hindu !! so prime minister of india support to Hindus up to this level !!?? while Mumbai 1989-1993 ,Hindu Muslims riots ,done by Hindu ,victims are still suffering from Justice as they maximum are india minorities =Muslims christen !!?? so Indian government do not bother about them as Its Hindu nation !!??
(1) I read summery of Book= Who Killed Karkare? The real face of terrorism in India by S.M. Mushrif [Former, IG Police, Government of Maharastra ,India ]= ( Hemant Karkare =ATS=Anti terrorist Squad Chief Maharastra government ,India ), Publisher = Pharos Media =www.pharosmedia.com ) New Delhi , Price= 300 Indian rupees =25$ , Pages =319 ,
ISBN-10: 81-7221-036-1; ISBN-13: 978-81-7221-036-6 ,Year: 2009 Ruhel 26-01-2009 ,
Note : all bomb blasts happened in india from 1990 to 2009 =Till now , =terrorist activities , done by Hindu terrorists groups =MH Brahminists these people killed many innocent Human ,maximum Indian Muslims =40% to 60% every case !!??and Dr Manmohan Police try to put others nation ,others religion names !!?? ), not there own religion =Hindu ,not there own people =Hindu !!?? =Indian =Hindu Indian !!??
Note ,Please these Z-Security =Commando provider Indian government is India’s so called secular party =Congress party ,from past 5 years of there rule , while BJP =RSS provide them security from past 1990 to 2003 !!=13 years !!?? While BJP=RSS Given MP =Member of parliament ticket to , Manoj Pradhan =Prime accused of 2008 Kandhmal anti christen riots those killed 60 Indian christen ,he is in jail But he given BJP Ticket for 2009 Indian elections from G Udayagiri assembly ,India , he win the election also ,Now he is MP =member of parliament in India !!?? Ruhel date 16-08-2009 Udaipur Raj india , while in this Hindus nation ,Victims of genocide are still suffering from Justice =Their basic human rights , from past 1 year to 7 years !!??as they are Not Hindu ,they are Indian Christen ,Indian Muslims !!?? Date 25-08-2009 Ruhel . It look like that Hindu Taliban leaders are getting security from Ruling government of this Hindu nation India !!?? While India have , Arun Gawli = Member of Parliament ,from Mumbai =Don = a notorious criminal turned politician =Mumbai Don ,who filled the vacuum created by Dawood Ibrahim’s !! Gawli was at one point actively supported by Bal Thackeray !!= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arun_Gawli !!?? Ruhel Date 06-03-2009 , while in my case I do not want to be property of Indian ! as I am UN resolution 217(3) A human being , I am thinking as same what old separated part huge human of USSR were thinking !!?? while in this Hindu nation I did not get single call from IIT’s ,IISC ,DRDO ,ISRO , Indian ministry , its civil servant !! while Indian defense ,Indian space top posts =scientists + other are with Hindus only , the minorities are for only lowest posts=starting posts !!
=violation of U.N.G.A RES. 1904(xviii) =racial discrimination , violation of U.N.G.A Res 55/89 =torture , violation of U.N.G.A Res .217a (Iii) =Human Rights , violation of 226 U.N.T.S 3 bonded labor with out salary ,=forced unemployed ness to continuous 5 years !!??
Please india and Indian=1.263 b , are Door of no return for me Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,=Like Cape coast Castle ,Ghana , Date 31-07-2009 Like , While USA =develop nation =Christen nation , given 5.02 b $ = 5.02 Billion $ unemployment benefits to its Citizens at Pennsylvania and 4.8b $ = 4.8 Billion $ at New Jersey = unemployment benefits to its citizens from Jan 2009 to September 2009 !! it all approved by USA Congress !! while in india Assam 30 years ,Kashmir 30 years , Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A Life forced unemployed by Hindu terrorist ,from 1999 to 2009 ,and Orissa 2008 , christen genocide , Karnataka 2008 genocide ,Chhtisgarh 2007-2008 ,Gujarat 2002 genocides approved by Hindu Congress at these states + New Delhi !! the difference between developed christen nation =USA and Hindu Nation =india !!
Note : (1) Please I got one email ,from Respected George Bickerstaff ([email protected]), Invitation to Join , the Global Innovation leaders at Linkedin , he is Chairman, Board Member and Trustee, Member of the Board of Directors and Former Chairman of the Audit Committee at Vion Pharmaceuticals , Chief Financial Officer and Member of the Board of Directors, Novartis Pharma AG at Novartis His Blog =http://the-global-leaders.blogspot.com/
(2) Please I got one email from Respected , Mark S .Towers([email protected])a personal innovation to join his , UNYK address book and Viadeo. Second , and second invitation also for Full UNYK Data , respected Mark S .Towers , is regional Operations manager with 29 years experience , specializations in engineering ,scientific and , technical services department of defense USA , , National Nuclear security administration USA , department of energy USA , he worked as Sr Staff member at Los Alamos National laboratory , USA , He pass out MS –Military science ,USA Army command & general staff college ,
(3) Please I have a recommendation from respected Jane Dell’Amore (= [email protected]) =National academies of science ,USA , Manager for Promotions and Outreach Fellowship Programs Office Research Associateship Programs , to apply for applying for an award, with proposed research Adviser at the Laboratory ,at http://www.national-academies.org/rap ,
(3) Please I have recommendation from respected , Janeen Pointer ([email protected]) ,Senior Program specialist ,Oak Ridge associate universities ,NASA post doctoral Program , http://nasa.orau.org/postdoc/ But I was not allowed by Hindu ISI =MI,IB,RAW, to apply here , they were attaching Spams in my sent resume ! so it do not reached there at scientist in .national-academies. AND nasa.orau.org !! I try from past 2 -4 months at all scientists emails , While these Hindus ISI Allowed all Other Hindus from India !!?? so that these scientific posts filled by Hindus only ,from India !!?? now it tell ,me that why , 95.8 percent H1b ,B Visas USA Citizenships , 99.9 percent Blue –EU Visa , EU Citizenships are ,with Indian Hindus only , 60000 mental cases Assam Christen ,89000 mental cases Kashmir Muslims just in past 30 -20 years given by MI, IB, RAW ,CID, Hindu ISI . !!!?? It allowed to Hindus , those like to see , do , Orissa 2008 , Karnataka 2008 Indian christen genocide 2002 march Indian Muslim genocide !!??
(4) While I got one Good email ,from respected Anjum Niaz (=aniaz@fas,harvard.edu) =www.anjumniaz.com ,
She told about my one article + Resume of Physics ,chemistry , told that’s most impressive , she would like to be interviewed me for one of her columns . (she is working on foreign affairs ,from past 1996 at International level ) . she taken interview of Philippine President Cory Aquino (first Lady president of Philippine)
She got Mitsubishi Award of Journalism in Tokyo 1987 =Asian Journalist Award .
(5) I got one emails = Words of appreciation from , Dr. Asmat Hayat ALVI. Freelancer ([email protected] ,[email protected],)
Your article appeared in response of my article Hillary; a wise lady.It is really a hard job and tedious lengthy research work; may be it took many months or years to compile this; you have to consult hundred of people to get information; meet some informed persons; go through piles of documents and heap of books; traveled thousands of miles to get one true figure; sleeplessness of night after night and desire to write down facts & figures; in short you have had done a great job & I do appreciate your efforts.
I pray to Almighty God to accept your sincere efforts, AMIN. Warm & humble regards. Dr. Asmat Hayat ALVI. Freelanser ([email protected] ,[email protected],)
(6) Please I got one email from respected Marian Nardozzi [email protected]
You are invited to join Pittcon’s online scientific community, Pittconnect
Mr. SM Mushrif is winner of president Medal of Meritorious service he join as IPS Police 1976 ,join as deputy superintend of police , he is brother of politician Hasan Mushrif , he opened the link of Mumbai police commissioner =RS Sharma , And other senior police officers of Mumbai with , master forger Adbul Karim Telgi , =fake stamps case , he taken volunteer retirement in 2005 , and became RTI activist , and he is known as his association with Anna Hazare ,
F Please insert a brief description of the nominee that will be used for distribution to CIVICUS members. (Maximum 250 words).
NOMINATION : (1) Please I got nominate for **The William T. Pecora Award.*2006,2007 , Its for remote sensing Technology, http://remotesensing.usgs.gov/pecora.html ,Pl Its NASA Award
(2) Pl , I got Nominated for one of Public Affairs Asia awards 2009 ,And Nominated for one of its Jury also , =wwwpublicaffairsasia.com/goldstandard , Got nomination emails from respected =Craig Hoy [email protected] (Director Public Affairs Asia) ,And Mark O’Brien ([email protected]) Vice President (Asia) Public Affairs Asia
(3) Pl, I got special e-mail form , Scientific American ,Inc ,415 Madison Avenue New York, NY, 10017, USA ,to apply for “A ROLEX AWARD =to project ,advances human knowledge and well-being?, http://www.rolexawards.com
(4) Pl, I nominated for “International WHO’S WHO of Professionals , as a candidate for inclusion in the 2005-2006 edition. = http://internationalwhoswho.com/
(5) Pl I got nominate for “for Prestigious Innovations Award ,2007 “, http://www.innovationsaward.harvard.edu ,Pl it will be given by Harvard university .,USA
(6) ) Pl I Got Nominate for Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006 (Pl
its UN Award = http://www.unhabitat.org , Please it’s Middle -East Nobel prize .for Environmental +best human practices . http://www.bestpractices.org,
Note : Pl I Get Nominate for “Dubai International Award 2004,2005 ,2006″ By Dubai Government officials (Pl its UN Award = http://www.unhabitat.org , , B’se I open the naked fact to Dubai Government=Dubai municipality , that how the testing laboratories in ME=Gulf are making money on the life of ME=Gulf people By make fool in environmental analysis system +many other methods , by did change in US EPA methods ,APAH methods to make money only !! ?? . My independent work to protect world environmental ,which I send to UN +US-EPA +ISO-9002 ,APHA, White house advisory board to environmental protection ,ACS advisers to Environmental ,IUPAC Advisers to environmental ,to improve world environmental analytical – analysis, these people where destroying mainly ME=Gulf living - people health’s only !!=Dubai ,UAE ,Saudi ,Oman ,Kuwait ,Qatar , Bahrain ,++??
Note 3 : Please , I got , recommendation from UN Officials(@Dec 2003 it self ) ,[email protected]= Tel:+43-1-26060-4278,+ Fax: +43-1-26060-5968 (sir he is Sr Crime prevention & criminal Justice officer ,to UN ) &MS Haiyan Qian= [email protected] & [email protected]=recommendation ,at , Sun, 9 May 2004 Tel: 212-963-3393+ Fax: 212-963-9681 (Sir she is UNPAN -Chief manager to department of economic and social affair to UN ) ,& [email protected] = Tel: ++ 1 212 963 3125, URL: http://www.un-ngls.org ,to apply for UN Jobs ,
Please note UAE =Dubai Name is under top honest nation =35 Rank out of 180 Nations ,while India =Hindu Nation =Hindu democracy name is under top corrupt nation !!?its a Fact !!??
Here I like to thanks respected , Adel Al H Sharidi =00966555818985 ,Email : [email protected], , who select me for Saudi Kayan =SABIC ,Just after listen that I worked two years with Sumitomo -company =www.sumitomo-chem.co.jp ,Japan project , For phenol Project =purity 99.999% =PFP, here I was QA -Chemist (which is mention in global top 20 companies ) And , I faced 5 years forced unemployed ness ,torture from Feb. 2003 to 2008 November ,,and, And also I like to thanks Dr M.Al-Tarabzoni ([email protected]) / (president - Saudi-Space ) Cell =00966505420077,who is representative , of Saudi Arabia government , in UN=www.un.org ,UNESCO , for physics ,space and its use for peace . he also support me to get SABIC job , Adel is such gentle person ,he taken my interview for Just 5 to 10 minutes and offer me SABIC , job at the Spot it self ,and also Management level = G11 =3300 $ Per month . Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A ,Date 04-04-2009 Udaipur Raj India ,
SABIC ,Its good company which is supporting its Employee in all direction concern scientific Human , Its in real sense Global company . for its employee ,and scientific .I like me mention here the social Justice , equity +Honesty of ME=Gulf people is best Then India .for We minorities of INDIA !
Please submit completed nominations forms to Anabel Cruz, Chair, CIVICUS Nominations Committee, via one of the following:
E-mail to: [email protected]
Fax to: + 27 11 833 7997Mail: CIVICUS: World Alliance for Citizen Participation, PO Box 933, Southdale, 2135, Johannesburg, South Africa
Thinker from India !! =
Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , Terrorist expert from India !!!???
The loop holes and serious doubts , in All bomb blasts = happened in india Investigation done by IB Or ATS =Anti- terrorist squad of each states under forced guidance of IB !! =All terrorist activities happened in india from past 20 years , to make secure Hindu terrorists groups = Mharastrain Brahminists and put the Name of Muslims = Indian Muslims and Pakistan Muslims ,And ISI ,And Bangladesh !!??
“India =Government , of india , is under IB Trap , from past 1991 to till now 22 Nov 2009 !!= PMO , Home Ministry , Foreign minister of india All “
= Bomb blast investigations ( These all bomb blasts =terrorist activities done by Hindu terrorists groups =MH Brahminists )
( UN people ,Interpol ,UNODC , other prime Police department must accept that India name is under top corrupt nation ,from past 64 years of its freedom ,its Police, civil servant ,political organization is under top corrupt organization of world , its huge population nation with none of honesty !!? Ref =Transparency International reports(UN Branch ) from past 1950 to till now about India about its these three department !!??) And this factor is true like Nature , notable point is this IB =RAW is successful to make fool its Government from past 64 years !!?? Here in This nation ,people are Professional in corruption , have reached to expert level , by playing with World bank ,EU Banks , Charity money from past 64 years ,here 95% corruption in charity by NGOs , Other common man !!?/
(1) Samjhauta Express bomb blast case (19 February 2007)
(2) Malegaon bomb blast case (8 September 2006) and Malegaon Bomb Blast 2008 (its second bomb blast happened in Malegaon after 2 =two of first bomb blast )
(3) Mumbai Train bomb blast case of 2006 (11 July 2006)
(4) Ahmedabad bomb blasts & Surat unexploded bombs (26 July 2008)
(5) Delhi bomb blast 2008 (13 September 2008)
(6) Hyderabad Mecca Masjid Blast (18 May 2007)
(7) Ajmer Sharif Dargah Blast (11 October 2007)
(8) Serial Blasts in U.P. courts (23 November 2007)
(9)) Jaipur Blasts (13 May 2008)
(10) Nanded bomb blast (5 April 2006)
( These all bomb blasts =terrorist activities done by Hindu terrorists groups =MH Brahminists these people killed many innocent Human ,maximum Indian Muslims =40% to 60% every case !!??and Dr Manmohan Police try to put others nation ,others religion names !!?? ), not there own religion =Hindu ,not there own people =Hindu !!?? =Indian =Hindu Indian !!??
Please remember this nation is under top corrupt nations list from past 64 years of its freedom ,every year among top corrupt nation , and after that also this nation Citizens =people ,politician ,Civil servants , Police do not have any fear ,shame of international communities =rest 75 top developed nations like Norway ,Singapore ,Hong Kong , Sweden ,Canada , USA ,UK ++ )
(1) Samjhauta Express bomb blast case (19 February 2007)
The First honest , ATS =Anti terrorist squad , Chief =Hemant Karkare ,Join , as chief and he open the truth of Hindu terror from India , , at international ,national level ,
He only Probe this Samjhauta Express bomb blast case ,which was going to Pakistan from india by taking maximum Muslims only out of then 60 were Pakistani those killed in this Bomb blast done By Hindu terrorist .
(1) He = Hemant Karkare =ATS chief =Anti terrorist squad proved the involvement of =Brahminists ,Hindu terrorists in Samjhauta Express bomb blast ,
(2) That made worried to IB and RAW , =Indian intelligence , they want that Public and Government of india ,
To believe that Indian foreign polices credibility will go down if this fact reached to media ,the involvement of =Brahminists ,Hindu terrorists in Samjhauta Express bomb blast !
(3) In india ,IB is so much powerful that no Prime minister of india ,Minister of india , No bureaucrat no police organization have dare to challenge this organization =IB , which is Brahminist organization who have strong control on whole india , like what Zionists have grape the FBI ,But In USA still CIA ,DHS , DIA , Politician ,Civil servants are not in grip of Zionists , But in india condition is not like that Here all business ,Power ,media is in grip of Brahminists , those captured IB !!?? in USA white house is not bothering about FBI ! But DHS ,DIA
(3) He = Hemant Karkare =ATS chief =Anti terrorist squad , Chief arrested Sadhvi Pragyasingh and Lt Col Prasad Purohit , among others , these both were arrested in connection of Malegaon bomb blast case (8 September 2006),
(4) Then , Hemant Karkare =ATS chief asked to taken Narco analysis test of Lt Col Prasad Purohit ,=Indian Army official , which was done by 9 November 2008 , at Bangalore forensic Laboratory , and then the reports about the possible involvement of Hindu terrorist came outs , in Indian Media , He told to officer who conduct narco analysis that Samjhauta Express bomb blast done under guidance of Parveen Bhai Togadia =VHP =www.vhp.org , International president =a right wing Hindu Brahmin ,
(5) Lt Col Prasad Purohit ,=Indian Army official , also accept that he stolen RDX , from Army supplier system and which used to do Bomb blasts in India , from past 2006 to till now 2009 !!?? it was approx 160 kgs !!??
(6) And from Here IB =RAW Start to work to screw up whole analysis , and try given direction to words other religion ,others nation =Like Pakistan ,ISI ,Bangladesh to get Bush Jr =Poor brain !! benefits at International map !!??
(7) The first step of this was IB used ATS –Spoke man =ATS Advocate Ajay Misar , he cut the statement , that RDX Stolen by Lt Col Prasad Purohit ,and there was no RDX was used in Samjhauta Express bomb blast case ,,there was other chemicals by which bomb blast done !!??
(8) But on date , 17,18 November 2008 , SP Railway ,Bharati Arora whose jurisdiction told that , they got Forensic test report which told that RDX was used in Bomb blasts, ( the times of india Pune 18 November 2008 ) And Sakal times pune 18 nov 2008 , and tribneindia.com , and zeenews.com , 17 nov 2008,
(9) As the intension of IB =RAW was to save the Name Hindu =Brahminists !!?? save the name of hindu terror at world map !!?? and want to put name of Other nation ,others religion !!??
(10)As IB =RAW ,do not want that ATS , do further investigations in Samjhauta Express bomb blast case
And IB start to misguide the Government and media ,And international, level , to save safe Hindu terrorist heaven in india , Indian territories
(11) for this IB start to put , ISI ,Pakistan name at international map with out having real proofs !!?? that ISI did this Bomb blasts = Samjhauta Express bomb blast !!
(12) the IB =RAW made new wrong theory that ISI ,Pakistan did this bomb blast .
(13) they IB=RAW =Dr Manmohan Singh people =Indian , working on good salaries from past 64 years on good salaries ,and working on ,working on in IB ,RAW as the controlled by PMO =Prime minister office directly [email protected] , directly !!?? with out any problem with out any charge sheets +
(14) Now its Coming at international terrors experts level ,that RAW=Indian intelligence , is involved in huge funding Billions $ , to Mulla Ummar =The head of Taliban in Afghanistan , one branch of Taliban , to do bomb blasts in Pakistan !!?? to do destabilized Pakistan work against terror ,name against terror at international Map , , and to kill innocent Pakistani Humen !!?? and pose the name of ISI !!??
(15) That proved international terrorist expert is working in RAND=www.rand.org at USA , From past many years ,
Dr Manmohan Singh [email protected] =PMO , Home Ministry , Foreign minister of india is under IB Trap from past 1991 to till now 22 Nov 2009 !!
Its have unofficial lots of powers from PMO = [email protected] !!
(1) Its destroy all the proofs of Hindu terror=Maximum bomb blast in india done by Hindu terror Groups =RSS ,Bdal ,VHP ++Its branches ,IB destroy all the proofs by over taking the investigations form Local police and changed the direction towards other nations citizens and other nations intelligences !!?? = pose the Name of Pakistan intelligences =ISI and , Bangladesh Intelligence part=Hujji!!?? to take benefits from Bush Jr=Poor brain Human !!?? on war against terror = it was to taken political benefits for India !!?? to rise india name at International Map and to given bad name to Pakistan and Bangladesh neighboring nations =those have religion Not Hindu , it not putting the name of Nepal =Naxalites ,as they are Hindu in any bomb blast of india !!??
as india is Hindu nation =Nepal also Hindu nation !!?? But Pakistan and Bangladesh are Muslims nation !!??
Those have less power and less population =one fourth , less technology=Satellites =Internet , then this Huge population Hindus nation =India !! and highest sin, evil of this IB =PMO=HM =FM India is they captured huge quantity of innocent Muslims young’s , for those bombs blast done By Hindu terrorists , they all are still facing Hindu IB Police ,Hindu laws ,Hindu nation !!??
Examples : IB Interfere in following bomb blasts investigations and did save Hindus = Brahminist ! and put Muslims names Like LeT , HuJI , SIMI !!??
(2) Dr Manmohan Singh is taking every day 30 minutes meeting with IB chief, separately Concern all over india information of IB Branches in whole Indian states , to make next polices !!
(3) Foreign minister of india also taking 1 hours meeting with IB chief every day , ,Home minister also taking 1 hours meeting with IB chief every day for all India states information’s , and these people =IB people are maximum are Hindu = Brahminist !!??
(2) Hyderabad Mecca Masjid =Mosque Bomb Blast (18 May 2007)
IB made many imaginary theory to save , Brahminist
=Hindu terrorists Important clue of this by SIM card found in west bangle police did not followed it intentionally ,no enquire with Military authorities about RDX –TNT mix used mainly by Military , ?? these all things to save hindu terrorist , Brahminist
AND Indian Foreign polices for Hindu nation =Secular to rise Hindu rights !!?? with out hindu terror name !!?? notable things is that IB ,ATS captured many innocent Indian Muslims on name of terror !! later they got freedom by court , and got , compensation also from state government =Congress party , compensation for torture ,forced abused , by Hindu police and forced prison for 1-6 months to 1 years !!??to 20 young Muslims !!?? they are released by CBI , those did investigation and found them all innocents , which was due to voice rise by many secular , Civil liberty , human right ,social right organizations at new Delhi ,CMO , and all 78 Muslims young’s those captured by Hindu police got freedom due to depth investigation By CBI and they throw out the charge sheet made on name of innocent Indian Muslims , made free them ,
Notable things, IB was try to Blame ISI ,HuJI , SIMI , =others nation ,others religion , not there own religion =Hindu ,not there own people =Hindu !!?? =Indian =Hindu Indian !!??
The case does not end here , what about the Police officers , who gave them hell of the months , even year , and what about the lawyers and lower - judicially ,which liberally , indiscriminately , granted and extended police custody and remands=3 degree of india ,which is not allowed in development countries even to Taliban and Al Quida people also !!??? But in This hindu nation it allowed !!?? they throw laws, human rights , and civil liberties , to the wind s and invisible forces acting from the behinds the curtain egging on the police and Judicially , notable thing is none of Police officer , Lawyer ,Jury terminated from Jobs ,even no system to put behind them Law , Court , while in USA they open the many things of Bush Jr administration publicly which was crime against humanity !!?? But in this Hindu nation =India its not possible !!?? , The USA Common are trying to put Bush Jr , Its Advisors behind the laws , Court !!, thought system !!?? concern Human tolls at Others nations !!??
(3) Ajmer Sharif Dargah Bomb blast (11 Oct 2007)
IB , Hindu police of Rajasthan (ruled by RSS =BJP = concentrate Hindu government ) , MP Police (ruled by BJP=RSS =Same Hindu government ) , Gujarat police (BJP=RSS =Hindu government ruled by Narandra Modi=chief minister Gujarat from past 15 years ,even after 2002 Gujarat genocide ) made stories in Air conditions chambers , to put at media , to Government of india , and to international people , not pursued important clues , of SIM cards traced to Guwahati =Assam , but not followed , ultimately the reality came out from Malegaon investigation the doers were Maharastrian Brahminists =Hindu terrorists !!??
My =Ruhel Chisty MRACI CChem A , Birth is in Rajasthan =Udaipur City !!?? Pl I am one of the reviewer in J . Schizophrenia Research ( www. elsevier.com) from May 2007 . Pl I have two publications against Al-Qaida , one against LTTE =South Indian in ME=Gulf !? , few against Hindutava terror groups ,which came from real life in India !!?? Please recently = 15th April /March -2008 , my one paper=Abstract got selected in prime conference of royal society of chemistry =www.rsc.org/arf08 = Analytical Research Forum 2008, Title: Ruhel New concept to anti -chemical terror by use of speed checker AND Chemical detective sensors to stop Al-Quaida attack at Saudi Aramco AND SABIC AND Other Petrochemicals companies in Gulf and whole world , = Two publications Against Bio chemical, Chemical terror =Weapon of mass destruction =WMD .
,Pl I am one of the reviewer in International Journal of Psychology and Counseling
http://www.academicjournals.org/Ijpc AND Journal Of Public Health And Epidemiology (www.academicjournals.org/JPHE) ) and from August 2009 .. pl I am Indian minority +OBCS=other backward class - scientist ! , This city Udaipur is A heaven +Brain , of BJP =-RSS =Hindutava lover people , those are getting huge –Hindu founds from Delhi ,Jaipur ,EU ,USA on name of Hindus =Hindu !!?? that these people are getting from past 18 years =1991 to till now ,even from Congress party 50% dual face Hindu politician !!?? those them self want Hindu nation =Hindu world under face of Congress party India !!?? here 3.5 lacks people are enjoying Hindu fund from past 18 years , included Indian Muslims of Udaipur City !!?? Ruhel date 03-12-2009 ,
(4) Mumbai Train bomb blast case 11 July 2006,
( The loop holes and serious doubts )
( These all bomb blasts =terrorist activities done by Hindu terrorists groups =MH Brahminists )
From the day first ,IB take over the all Investigation from local Mumbai local police and
Manipulate =change , utmost all results , it take over also ATS =Anti terrorist squad Mumbai also !! it only allow to ATS Chief Mumbai KP Raguvanshi who is already hindu supporter , who is from RSS Wings only !!?? who have already charges of destroy the hindu terror proofs and put the name of innocent Muslims !!?? charges are from MLA ,MP NGOs of Indian minorities !!?? it also known the Bomb blast pattern was same as Nanded bomb blast =RDX ,Ammonium nitrate ,(fuel oil) !!??
The loop holes , in IB=ATS , solved the Mystery of Mumbai Train bomb blast=life loss 250 Human !
( =that made whole work not to believable at UN ,EU ,USA Map !!?? )
(1) How and when the Mobile conversion of suspects were recorded ?
If there cell .mobiles ,phones were under observation ,Of IB , or police , since before the blasts ,
Then why not !!?? why they kept there cell ,mobile records after bomb blast also ,on what basis !!?? for what !!?? If the suspects were arrested before 250 life loss taken place due to Bomb blasts !!??
Why The IB do not given this proof =record conversions =of cells ,mobiles
to Dr Manmohan Singh , [email protected] , before the bomb blasts !! as he is prime minister of india ,and belong to congress party , who think for Indian Muslims and Indian life first !!??
If IB is not capable to do so !!?? = arrest only !!?? why IB. wait till bomb blast taken place loss of 250 human life’s taken place !!?? Why !!!?? Can IB =RAW ,PMO provide these proofs at International, level !!?? was IB want to Kill Innocent Indian and want to plot Pakistan and Muslims name !!?? to rise Hindu nation =India and to put Pakistan name in bad list of EU UN, USA !!?? then why this bomb blast allowed by IB ,or local police !!??
(2) IB=ATS recognized a person ,who had quarreled , with one co-passenger in incident train , that also after several week ,in The crowed train on the basis of description and voluntary given to identity him !! as a terrorist !!??
(3) Same is the case with taxi driver ,how could be one remember the faces , of couples from hundreds of faces that he remember from list of humen pass out in his eye science blast which he ferried since blast !!
(4) How can a person can be made accused on the basis of only Narco analysis !! in international world no body believe it as its not scientifically , Court accept it as proof till now !!?? if there is no collective evidence against him !!??
(5) How can a Pakistani person can be identify on basis on DNA test !!??
Is it possible to identify the person religion ,nationality , or terrorist outfit just on basis of DNA test !!??
(6) How far the recovery of RDX from somebody’s house by the Mumbai police is believable =reliable !!?? given there reputation the Mumbai police can show the RDX from any where they wish !!??
These were ,plus many other loop holes were in IB=ATS Theory , which can not be swallow by any Intelligence , international community , even , prime minister advisor of national security =MK Narayana was also not satisfy by this story of IB ,ATS !!??
While The press briefing of this done by Mumbai Police commissioner , AN Roy , That was not even under his judicial , this case was under judicial of Mumbai Railways police , and ATS which is controlled by DGP Maharastra , there for the press briefing should done by DGP Railway police of DGP – Maharastra or ATS Chief !!??
IB manipulated whole case to give direction put blame on Pakistan ,ISI , , Indian Muslims !!?? actually IB want to given bad name to Muslims religion !!?? so that no body dare to blame on RSS , Brahminists ,Hindu wings and they can continuous there work , =Hindu terror on destroy image of Muslims , and Pakistan and will get all goods from Bush Jr =Poor Brain !! CNN,BBC poor brains + EU Poor brains +UN Poor those like this story of IB=RSS =Brahminist=BJP !!??
(7) Then IB Put one more theory =IM =Indian Mujahideen , in media that Now Mumbai train bomb blast 2006 , done by IM , they arrested 5=five person , concern this new theory , and put in media that those arrested earlier 13 =10+3 people were sleeping cells !!??
The behaviors of IB is highly suspicious , concern all terror activities =Bomb blasts , in india cases investigations from 1990 to till now !!??
On page =67 of Book , Who Killed Karkare? The real face of terrorism in India by S.M. Mushrif [Former, IG Police, Government of Maharastra ,India ] Publisher = Pharos Media =www.pharosmedia.com ) New Delhi , Price= 300 Indian rupees =25$ , Pages =319 ,
ISBN-10: 81-7221-036-1; ISBN-13: 978-81-7221-036-6 ,Year: 2009
He = S.M. Mushrif mention that , “ The IB wanted , to prove , that RDX was not used , in Mumbai Train bomb blasts , it had an apparition that the RDX theory could implicate some influential Brahminist leaders , or the IB was it self , in the Mumbai Bomb blast case !!??”
(A2) While on day first on Mumbai Train bomb blast ,2006 , No investigation , team take note of suspension express by , CPI(M) politburo member = West Bengal Ruling left front chairman =Biman Bose that bomb blast were set off by Hindu right wings =Hindu fundamentalist (Rediff.com 15th July 2006 )
(A3) No body taken this important factor that these bomb blasts was not of revenge of Gujarat 2002 genocide , as 2002 pass out 4 years !!? so it s not possible to take revenge after 4 years !!?? and notable things is that all Explosion taken place near Muslims dominated area =Mahim and Meera road , while , if Its was revenge of Gujarat 2002 then these explosions should be near , Churchgate , Dadar , Bhayendar =Hindu dominate areas but it were not !!??
(A4) The explosions were timed to explodes after only Dadar , which was strong hold of RSS , Maharastrian Brahminists , viz Vile Parle , Malad , these were avoided by timing set !!?? it all tell that These Bomb blast done by Hindu terrorist = RSS = Maharastrian Brahminists !!??
(A5) RSS ,VHP ,Bdal were involved in Bomb blasts of Nanded , which was not taking in account by IB, Local Indian police ,so not try to put names of RSS ,VHP ,Bdal in international media for these Bomb blasts !!??
(A6) No thorough enquire was made , with Four hindu =non Muslims boys those thrown a suspect bag in sea near Bhayendar , only after couple of days of incident !!??
(A7) No through enquire was made in a complained made by Woman lecture in Ahmednagar , who called up the union home ministry ,that she know the , Mumbai Train bomb blast ,2006 terrorist =7/11-2006 =His name is Ganesh Khanderao = Hindu , she sent letter also , then lady again called to Ahmednagar police , gave the correct name ,but Police only talk with her father and brother , not meet her , and closed the case !!?? as the lady was literate ,was lecture
, she must know the rule and regulation that what is the mean of given wrong statement to Home minister ,and Police concern terrorist =terror activities !!?? notable thing is Police even did not even called to Ganesh Khanderao and even interrogate him thoroughly all the point given by lady = literate ,was lecture !!?? as here man is Hindu ,police is also Hindu !!?
(A8) While similar case in Hyderabad bomb blast =Mecca Masjid , a similar complain made by one Muslims second wife for her husband , police taken promptly action and captured the ,man , and book in , case and put in jail and interrogate him for several days !!?? as the man was Muslims ,police is Hindu !!?
(5) Malegaon Bomb blast ( 8 September 2006)
( The loop holes and serious doubts )
( These all bomb blasts =terrorist activities done by Hindu terrorists groups =MH Brahminists )
(1) Day first ATS –Pune blame on , Shabbir Batteriwala (one of Bohra Community =one type of Indian Muslims ) that he done this Bomb blast and prove that we find RDX in his godown , while notable thing is this man was already in Jail from past 4 months , he was in jail at time of bomb blats also !!?? then how can he do bomb blasts !!??
(2) Why the identity of independent witness done not disclosed !!??
(3) How far the statements of an approver is reliable , when he had been in custody of police for a month !!??
(4) Why , what had been disclosed in brain mapping and polygraph tests , why the reports did submitted for records purpose at court and police records !!??
(5) Why were the details of tickets does not revealed !!??
(6) Is not it possible for police =Indian police whose name is under top corrupt nations police of world , even every years from IT India also giving its top corrupt division of Indian government , every years from past 60 years , here for every work you have to pay money !!?? = to manipulated the traces of RDX from any place , they wish for get benefits !!??
(7) Is not it possible for police =Indian police!! To record confessional statements , of accused to suite the theory !!??
Questions that still have no answers !!??(Concern , Malegaon Bomb blast ( 8 September 2006)
(Q1) What happened to sketches of two person who had bought the cycles used in the blasts ??
(Q2) What are the result of the analysis of telephones calls , which being probed by local police ??
(Q3) Were the accessed =Hindu terrorist =MH Brahminist , those did Nanded bomb blats 2006 April were interrogated !!??
(Q4) were the accessed =Hindu terrorist =MH Brahminist , of Parbhani , Purna , Jalna , Three bomb blasts were interrogated??
(Q5) where is the dead body =who wearer fake beard , and fake -Muslim dress who died during bomb blast which was in custody of Local police as proof !!?? that was mysteriously diapered , (that died man fake beard was coming out after bomb blast and was seen by many people , those were near the blast place =like one tailor Aqeel Ahmed age 37 years and he put this body in Ambulance also for police help .
(Q6) as in Nanded bomb blast , police found the fake beard , fake Muslim dress =in Hindu MH Brahminists home ,where the explosion taken place , it link =this fake beard those was coming out after Malegaon Bomb blast ,from dead body!
(Q7) What are the results of 20 Hindus =those captured after Malegaon Bomb blast bomb blast , by local police , and detained them ??
(Q8) Why the Muslims will do bomb blast to kill Muslims only !!?? the most important !!??
( 6) ( Ahmedabad Bomb blasts 26 July 2008 )
On 26 July 2008 , Ahamdabad rocked by 17=10+7 Bombs blasts , killed over 50 person , and injured about 100 person ,
Now the serious doubts :
(1) One Deepak pandey was arrested by Mumbai crime branch officials on date 31 July 2008 ,
, for sending threaten emails ,to news channels , To do more bomb blasts what was the enquiry was made in the blast connection and association !!??
(2) The CCTV Footage at Talsari Toll Naka –Maharastra was extremely important proofs ,
But Hard disc was suspect to corrupted by ATS –MH , =Anti terrorist squad , , this matter need to be probed deep ,
(2) ATS Has to investigate these things properly did CCTV Camera was working and recording on 9 and ,20 July !!?weather the picture of other vehicles passes though the toll naka was taken !!?? they have to asked all people those are working there !!?? as they know the basis going on , tea boy also +peon also !!?? did thane police received the complain about CCTV problem !! on 5h ,19 July !!
Is any employee of Toll naka is involved in any communal organization =Like RSS,BJP , VHP ,Bdal ,SSena ,, ++
(3) some person who detained in the case , who were them ?? those given this information of car passed through the Toll Naka !!!??
(4) The detonator defused in 27 bomb defused in surat Gujarat , , ,by police , were made from RECL, Dholpure Rajasthan , India , what further investigation was there , ??
(5) similarly what was connection between detonator and AP Explosive (P) limited , based in AP =Andra pradesh India , !!??
(6) The Ahmedabad detection of crime branch (DCP) was enquiry in to the source of gas cylinders used in bomb blasts , what was out come of the enquiry !!??
(7) The Gujarat police released three sketches of three suspects , that were published on 2 august 2008 , at rediff.com on the basis the description given by eye witnesses , But on 7 august 2008 , they published again four new sketches in of three person , The statement Mumbai (news paper )by saying that , these are suspect who planned the bombs , if they published these news sketches ,that is different then previous , then , was these sketches published as per guidance of IB =RAW ,to fix some decided people !!??
(8) its found that some threatening emails sent from the computer of Ken Haywoods , =USA Citizen , and he was saying that his PC was misused due to Wifi , through some passing out person near his home via car , and they sent these unwanted emails from his computer , and with in few days , Ken Haywoods , =USA Citizen , move from India to USA , after getting clean chit from IB , ATS ,
( 7 ) Delhi bomb blasts 13 September 2008
The doubts :
(1) The interception of Mobile phone conversion , the taped telephone conversion purportedly intercepted by the police from the Mobile number =9811004309 , on 2 and 19 September 2008 ,from one Atif , if this was the thing why these IB =ATS people allowed to do bomb blasts and allowed to kill innocents !!?? and Delhi police was saying that this man = Mohammad Atif Ameen =Mobile number =9811004309 was leader of Delhi Bomb blasts , and he was under , surveillance from past 1 years of Bomb blast by Delhi =Capital of india police !!?? as per them this man sent emails concern UP courts serial bomb blasts , from one East Delhi -cyber café , so his Mobile number was under investigation = surveillance !!??
(2) Delhi police is saying that they were unable to decode the intercept , conversation on date 9,12 September by this man so the Delhi Bomb blast taken place !!? (Please these all mention points from page 1 to last for Interpol ,UNODC ,UNSC ,FBI , DHS , Europol ,ME-,Gulf anti terror squad , Pakistan anti terror squad , Bangladesh Anti terrorist squad to make them better then Hindu police ,hindu intelligence in 2010 Era !! )
(3) the Mobile numbers of other arrested accused by Hindus police ,
doubts (1) in whose name were the SIM Cards
(2) Who had purchase them ? and for whom ?
(3) are the call records of all these number are available can these people can given to then UNODC ,Interpol for betterment of india ??
(4) while these is football size loop hole in =doubt in Batal house shoot out , local people told its fake encounter , they criticized it they want full deep judicially enquiry !!??
(4) Inspector Mohan Chand Sharma was ordered to take another post just before two days of this fake encounter = Batal house shoot out , but he taken leave , in short he was no longer in good book of IB , and special cell , was he knew some thing that Delhi Special police , IB do not want !!??
Mr. SM Mushrif is winner of president Medal of Meritorious service he join as IPS Police 1976 ,join as deputy superintend of police , he is brother of politician Hasan Mushrif , he opened the link of Mumbai police commissioner =RS Sharma , And other senior police officers of Mumbai with , master forger Adbul Karim Telgi , =fake stamps case , he taken volunteer retirement in 2005 , and became RTI activist , and he is known as his association with Anna Hazare ,
The Terrorist those killed Hemant Karkare , were, speaking fluent Marathi and talking in it only , =The only Mharastrian language !!!?? it tell that The terrorist those killed were hindu Maharastra Brahmanism !! .
The Terrorist those killed Hemant Karkare =ATS=Anti terrorist Squad Chief Maharastra government ,India on date 26,27,28-11-2008 , At Mumbai , CAMA Hospital , Rang Bhavan , were speaking fluent Marathi =The only Maharastrian language ,they were question and answering in fluent Marathi to local people those victims of terrorism !!??
it confirmed by statements of one Hindu victims , who was working as guard at CAMA Hospital , he got life only due to he was hindu , if he was Muslims terrorist did shoot him !!?
Its can be confirmed for USA,EU ,UN FBI ,DIA ,DHS , Interpol from news papers = (1) Maharastra times Mumbai 28th Nov 2008 , (2) The times of india Mumbai 29th Nov 2008 ,(3) The Hindustan Times 5th Dec 2008 ,
Out of 46 people those killed in CST ,22 were Muslims , this all tell that , terrorist were not Jihadis , b’se Jihadis like to kill other religion =-Hindu only not Muslims , and these terrorist were living Hindus free =free to live , during all Case , and killing only Muslims ,
The questions concern Hemant Karkare misguided to reach at target place to kill !!??
(A) Who were the officer who decided to meet near Haj House !!?? it still unknown !!??
(B) Why KP Raghuvanshi told to Hemant Karkare , that the two terrorist had cross over the bridge while that was not the case !!??
(C) If Commissioner of police , Jt commissioner of police , did not know the Hemant Karkare movement then who was giving him locations , of terrorists and during him to various places like Lane near the Times of india Building , CAMA Hospital , SBI Office , Finnaly Rang Bhavan lane ??
(D) Apparently he = Hemant Karkare was not getting any instructions on wire less , other wise Commissioner of police , Jt commissioner of police (Crime ) would have know his movement , then how he was getting instructions ?? on mobile phone ?? if so from whom !!??
(E) Ajmal Kassab was arrested in Nepal Kathmadu before 2006 by Nepa