Science of computers: Part I - by Dr A Q Khan
This column is in response to requests (from young students at home and abroad ) and is meant for the student community and not for experts and trained professionals in this field.. Full Story
This column is in response to requests (from young students at home and abroad ) and is meant for the student community and not for experts and trained professionals in this field.. Full Story
Ten years ago our government established the Engineering Research Laboratories at Rawalpindi with the task of setting up a uranium enrichment plant based on the ultracentrifuge method Full Story
Mr Mehmood mentioned that Mr Bhutto was in a bad mood and very annoyed and Mr Ghulam Ishaq Khan was rather rude to him Full Story
The other day I was looking through Bhopal Nama, a poetic version of the history of Bhopal, its people, language and culture compiled by my elder brother Full Story
It was horribly fascinating to see, and frightening to contemplate, what we are unknowingly swallowing Full Story
We know that the south of India has millions of Tamils and that they were supporting the rebels in Sri Lanka Full Story
"This piece is meant for those who are not familiar with our glorious scientific past and the relevant Quranic injunctions.." Full Story
I don't belong to the lawyers' community but that doesn't mean that I am unaware of their activities.. Full Story
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